American Friends Service Committee: Faith Groups Urge Congress to Cut Pentagon Spending
Over 30 faith-based organizations released an open letter calling on
The letter reads, "whether
"The Biden administration has promised to 'Build Back Better,' and
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Dear Members of
As 31 faith-based organizations from across
We are called by our faith traditions to prioritize caring for people, and to turn away from violence and corruption. The Hebrew Bible calls people "stewards" of the land, urges them to feed the hungry and care for the poor, and prophesies nations forging their "swords into ploughshares."
Instead of spending money on weapons and war, we need to be investing in things that address the urgency of climate change and build resilient communities- including clean energy and sustainable infrastructure. Ensuring that low-income and marginalized communities have the infrastructure they need for clean air, water, broadband, and public transportation is key.
Addressing climate change and sustainable infrastructure will put the country on a path to a more equitable future- and create good jobs at the same time.
We also need reductions in the Pentagon budget in order to invest in public health- an especially essential investment in this time of pandemic. Everyone must have access to affordable, quality healthcare.
By reducing Pentagon spending, we would also free up funds to invest in foreign assistance, diplomacy, and peacebuilding. Conflict can be solved in nonviolent ways when we address the root causes like global hunger and poverty, and use all of our nonviolent, sustainable foreign policy tools like diplomacy and peacebuilding.
Bridges Faith Initiative
Center on Conscience & War
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd,
Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Franciscan Action Network
Mennonite Central Committee
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Provincial Council Clerics of
1/ The Biden Plan to Build a Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and an Equitable Clean Energy Future. 2020.
2/ Build Back Better:
3/ Garrett-Peltier, H., War Spending and Lost Opportunities.
4/ Crawford, N.C., 2020. Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, and the Costs of War.
[Category: CaptureV]
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